Random thoughts that are almost always about video games

Monday, March 21, 2005

Hi! Hello! Welcome to my Brain!

I'm often moved to praise the glory of, or rant about, video games. Since my day job is Editor-in-Chief of PSM (that's "PSM: 100% Independent PlayStation Magazine" to people who prefer long-winded titles over acronyms), you'd think that I'd be sick of talking games after the work day has ended. Oh, but I simply *am* that sick!

As it turns out, my brain can't ever seem to find the lever to open the door to any other subject, so I'm often struck by thoughts or ideas when there's nobody around to listen (or at least nod politely and occasionally mumble "uh-huh"). So, I figure that when I'm moved to talk games, I'll come here to get it out of my system. If like-minded game fanatics stumble across my digital dumping ground and find what I have to say interesting, all the better.

If you're reading this, thanks for stopping by, and c'mon back anytime. However, I have no idea when or how often I'll put up new posts, and I wholeheartedly reserve the right to flake on the whole thing ;-)