Random thoughts that are almost always about video games

Thursday, April 07, 2005

OMFGod of War

Wow. I mean, just... WOW.

Today I finished Sony's God of War in God Mode, and it was one of the most fun, challenging and rewarding playthroughs of a game I've ever done. I guess I'm bragging a little, but I just had to gush about how cool this game is for those that haven't played it yet. Not only is it freaking amazing to play, but the rewards that you're given for beating the game, then beating the Challenge of the Gods side game, then beating God Mode, are some of the coolest unlockables I've ever seen.

Bravo Sony, and major kudos to David Jaffe's immensely talented and hard-working team. God of War II is easily my most anticipated game, no matter how long you make me wait. We're only a few months into 2005, but GOW's going to be damn tough to beat for Game of the Year!

God of War, Resident Evil 4 and Metal Gear Solid 3 all within a few months of each other — is this one of the best streaks in the history of gaming, or what?