Glad to be playing in the U.S.A.
Hi gang,
Thanks for all of the well wishes and kind words regarding my wedding. The big day went incredibly well. My wife (I'm still getting used to calling her that) looked absolutely beautiful in her wedding dress, and it was amazing to have family and friends from different periods in my life all together at once. In short, I highly recommend this wedding thing.
For our honeymoon we toured London and Paris, which were both fantastic places to visit. Saw all the major sites, picked up a British copy of the new Harry Potter book, played a lot of Tetris on the plane... life was good. I couldn't believe, though, how much games cost over there! Japanese gamers pay much higher prices, too. We American players really are lucky.
Now, I've got a lot of catching up to do — PSP web browser? GTA forced to adopt an AO rating? Resident Evil 5? A lot sure can happen in just two short weeks!
PS: I'm drafting several different posts right now; I plan to add some real updates to this blog soon. Stay tuned!